News/FameEX Afternoon Crypto News Recap | March 9, 2023

FameEX Afternoon Crypto News Recap | March 9, 2023

2023-03-09 10:03:15

Fed Chair Ponders Potential for Digital Dollar to Send Bitcoin to Zero
Congressman Lynch is worried about a CBDC's impact on crypto. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said he wonders why most cryptocurrencies currently have any value at all.

ough rules needed to ‘detoxify’ crypto market, says UK financial watchdog warns
The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) new chair Ashley Alder said rules for crypto should be just as tough as for risky activities in mainstream finance. Britain plans to regulate crypto under a new financial services law this year.

Missouri Passes Bill Protecting the Rights of Cryptocurrency Miners
This Tuesday, Missouri lawmakers voted in favor of amending house bill 764. The new sections mostly seek to set and define the legal framework for the handling of digital assets within the state with a special focus on cryptocurrency mining. They cover a wide array of topics from energy consumption to sound pollution.

Head of Singapore's central bank says the idea that tightening will soon end is optimistic
The Monetary Authority of Singapore is Singapore's central Bank. Its head is Managing Director Ravi Menon,says the view that tightening will end soon is optimistic,prices will rise as long as labour shortages continue.

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