News/The Privacy Pool Idea by Vitalik Buterin Is Only the Beginning

The Privacy Pool Idea by Vitalik Buterin Is Only the Beginning

2023-09-26 08:20:21

In his September article on security pools, Vitalik Buterin hit on a concept that might be the beginning of a new method of handling privacy for digital currency transactions.


Most people in the cryptosphere are already aware of Privacy Pools, an endeavor started this year by renowned programmer and creator Ameen Soleimani. Soleimani, an earlier Tornado Cash developer, set out to fix the well-liked open-source method for concealing Ethereum activity data in order to render it lawmaker-friendly. The debut teaser, released in March, centered on a concept first put forth by Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum, in 2022. But for some reason, the crypto hive mind didn't seem to notice it. It wasn't until recently that it started trending more frequently on the web, following the publication of Buterin's research study on the topic at hand.

Nothing will enrage some cypherpunks more than combining blockchain security with governmental conformity. Additionally, it would leave the remainder of the public wondering whether authorities would even be keen on approving the usage of free-of-custody crypto-asset mixing devices, which are actually essential to the on-chain market but are sometimes misconstrued. Since there is at least one area of decentralized finance or DeFi, that can profit by automatic conformance at the smart contracts level, the future is unquestionably one that has been more digitally altered. And even if it doesn't have a conclusion, this paper has initiated the discussion.

NASA Aims to Use Blockchain to Validate the Validity of Its Future Moon Journey

NASA is collaborating with the Isle of Man-based and Florida-based computer business Lonestar to develop the first blockchain-verified information storage system on the Moon. In February 2024, a cargo payload comprising information cubes will be launched to the Moon by (NASA) in collaboration with the Isles of Man and Florida-based supercomputer business Lonestar. Blockchain innovation will be used to verify the information that has been encrypted in these cubes back on Earth. When NASA conducts its second manned goal, Artemis 3, in 2025, assuming everything goes according to plan, the same blockchain technology will authenticate permanently and all or partially demonstrate that human beings were successful in landing on the Moon.

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