News/FAMEEX Afternoon Crypto News Recap | February 27, 2023

FAMEEX Afternoon Crypto News Recap | February 27, 2023

2023-02-27 09:41:45

IMF lays out crypto action plan, recommends against legal tender status
The International Monetary Fund has laid out a nine-point action plan for how countries should treat crypto assets, with point number one a plea not to give cryptocurrencies such as 
bitcoin legal tender status.

Locals on Edge About the Construction of a Crypto Miner Near McLouth, Kansas
Most residents of McLouth, Kansas, reportedly criticized the potential construction of a cryptocurrency data center about a mile and a half north of the town. Their main concerns are that the facility will harm the local environment and be very loud.

Are Russians using exchanges to evade sanctions?
Reports have stated that Russians have been carrying out crypto transactions since the announcement of the sanctions on the country.

Japan to launch pilot program for issuing digital yen
The widely expected move follows two years of experiments that the Bank of Japan (BOJ) has been conducting to decide whether to issue a CBDC, and moves Japan closer to issuing a digital yen in several more years.

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