News/FameEX Hot Topics | Central Banks Strengthen 'Swap Lines' to Tackle Banking Crises

FameEX Hot Topics | Central Banks Strengthen 'Swap Lines' to Tackle Banking Crises

2023-03-21 07:46:15

In an effort to enhance liquidity conditions during economic downturns, central banks across the globe are joining together to establish a network of “swap lines” that will enable the exchange of currencies. This initiative, which builds on previous measures taken by the Federal Reserve during the 2007-2008 global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, is intended to provide increased support to the dollar funding markets when times get tough.The swap lines operate as agreements between two central banks to exchange currencies, with the aim of boosting liquidity in the markets. By providing access to US dollar funding, the central banks involved hope to mitigate the negative effects of economic crises and ensure the stability of the financial system.

According to a statement from the Federal Reserve Board, the central banks participating in the network – the Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, and Swiss National Bank – have agreed to increase the frequency of seven-day maturity operations from weekly to daily in order to improve the effectiveness of the swap lines in providing US dollar funding.The swap line network began on March 20 and will continue until at least April 30, with the participating central banks standing ready to take further action if necessary. 

As the global economy continues to face uncertainty and volatility, this joint effort by central banks represents a crucial step in ensuring the resilience of the financial system and the availability of funding to support economic activity.

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